
Sunday, August 12, 2012

All in One

ഓരോ മനുഷ്യനും ഒരു കൊച്ചുലോകം ആണ്. ലോകത്തിലുള്ളതെല്ലാം അവനില്‍ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. മനുഷ്യനും ലോകവും പരസ്പരം ബന്ധിതമാണ്. ലോകം ഏകമായിരിക്കെ മനുഷ്യന് ജാതീയമായ ബഹുത്വം എന്തിനാണ്!! ചട്ടമ്പി സ്വാമികള്‍
This is a story which I scribbled long back here... Re-reading that story at a time when conversations and controversies are going on, regarding caste and creed. 

My name is Guru. I lived in a sea side town. By birth I was conditioned to live in accordance to some rights decided by someone called the upper class. One day I broke the code of conduct, moved out of the den and left behind a girl whom I married. Then pretended myself to be a truth seeker. I landed upon truth one day which said, All in One & One in All.  I spoke about oneness and commonness. Then there came disciples who said, All in One & One in All. They spread it in such a way that every single human who wanted to break the code or who was in the verge of identity extinction ran on to me with fury. With that I became an idol. Then they called me Guru. I told them hundred verses to attain salvation. Then much more verses to attain happiness.
Finally one day I fell down from the vanity tree of worship. Bedridden, I laid for months and years. I treated myself, then came the doctors. They sold my diseases and made money. I jumped out of the bed, shouted aloud, All in One & One in All. None heard. I died after few days. Then there were stories about the light that zoomed out of my body. Some said, they saw me in the bus while traveling, some other claimed that I was on a coconut tree. But I was dead and on my search for a next body and place. I need to relive a better and happier life.
I was reborn as a coconut tree. I am happy. I am taller than all these disciples. Most of them don't climb on my head. But still they made money out of me. They placed the board All in one & One in All in my wooden skin.
One day I saw some one placing an idol behind me. O that was me, the Guru. Then they left. My poor idol sat in rains and sun. Birds came and shit on its head. I tried shoo- shooing them. None heard. One day I fell down in the winds and I saw the broken head of the idol just under me. Oh! I couldn't bear myself. Thus I was dead again with all the coconut bunches that hung on me.
I was not sure about the future. Now I have lived as Guru and coconut tree. Then I was reborn as a dog. Wherever I went, I saw my idol under a coconut tree, inside a glass cube. Under that they wrote, All in One & One in All. Then there were people to celebrate my teachings. They gathered once or twice in a year.
They were all of the same class and caste. The extinct, furious class whom in need of an out break came in branded dresses, shouted slogans aloud and forgot my hundred teachings to salvation. I barked at them. None heard. So I sat near the idol under the coconut tree and said at heart, All in None & None in All!!

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