
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Those were the days...

Days come and go
Some stay
Some boring
Some interesting
Some others stinks
But still we think
Those were the days!

Thus the precious days
Bound us in numbers
Question us in facts
Threaten us in memories
But still we think
Those were the days!

Memories filled with days
Dates, Numbers and Events
Good or Evil, they stay
To occupy the space
But still we think
Those were the days!

Life, the hurt butterfly
Strives to move on
Through these days
For a better luck
But still we think
Those were the days!

The last day will come
To take away them
The Memories and Past
To the land of Death
But then they think
Those were our days!


  1. life is a hurt butterfly??
    what about those colorful wings?

    1. Butterfly can be hurt! But that doesn't make its wings colorless! :)
